Interaction networks

This page visualizes the molecular interaction networks that link genes from the different LIDPD datasets. Please have a look at the documentation for a detailed description of the different network types, visualization styles and the ways to navigate the networks.

Input/panel gene networks

Visualization Network ID Nodes Edges Input ALL Panels p-value
bioplex filtered_n13_e1_i-p 13 1 10 5
bioplex&mentha&string filtered_n28_e31_i-p 28 31 22 11
mentha filtered_n28_e5_i-p 28 5 22 11
string filtered_n28_e28_i-p 28 28 22 11

Shortest path networks between input/panel genes (1 intermediates) in full network

Visualization Network ID Nodes Edges Input ALL Panels p-value
bioplex filtered_n16_e22_i-p-solo-sp 16 22 3 5
bioplex&mentha&string filtered_n478_e9773_i-p-solo-sp 478 9773 22 11
mentha filtered_n310_e4642_i-p-solo-sp 310 4642 22 11
string filtered_n195_e2147_i-p-solo-sp 195 2147 21 11

Clusters in full networks

Visualization Network ID Nodes Edges Input ALL Panels p-value
bioplex&mentha&string c0083 94 2325 6 3 7.115123e-09
bioplex&mentha&string c0569 11 34 1 1 1.751348e-02
mentha c0604 5 7 1 1 8.716714e-03
mentha c0611 5 6 1 1 8.716714e-03
mentha c0657 5 7 2 1 2.941151e-05
mentha c0767 4 4 1 1 6.979254e-03
mentha c0865 5 7 2 1 2.941151e-05
string c0029 16 61 1 1 3.926041e-02
string c0115 5 5 2 1 5.991907e-05
string c0121 4 3 1 1 9.957691e-03
string c0128 117 3154 6 3 3.554795e-07
string c0293 50 615 2 1 6.847672e-03
string c0545 10 24 1 3 1.656660e-06
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